Flower Honey APIGAL 1 Kg.


APIGAL Flower Honey; Surprising end result of this family business where the smallest detail is taken care of, so as not to alter the flavors and properties of Galician Honeys, without industrializing.



Flower Honey APIGAL 1 Kg; It is one of the honeys of Galicia called “thousand-flowers”. They are usually composed of a wide range of different plants that give it special characteristics and recognized quality.

The species that contribute the most to our honeys are: chestnut, silva (better known as bramble), heather, eucalyptus and wild ones such as clover, bells, scrofularia, boragináceas, cruciferous trees or fruit trees themselves.

Honey proteins are enzymes such as amylane, invertase, glucosidase and free amino acids
mainly proline, in addition all essential amino acids are present for people.

The most abundant mineral is potassium, followed by calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Vitamins, the most abundant is Vitamin C, but it also contains B vitamins: B1 (thiamine),
B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (more commonly known as vitamin I) and a few more
like the K.

We taste it and…

  • Visual appearance: its color may vary between amber and dark amber.
  • Aroma: floral or vegetable aroma of intensity and variable persistence.
  • Taste: sweet taste although It can be slightly acidic and astringent.

Producer: Apigal Honeys.

Product Trade Name: APIGAL Flower Honey 1 Kg.

Procedencia: Galicia (Spain).

Protected Geographical Indication Honey of Galicia.

Presentation: 1 Kilo hexagonal glass bottle.

Net Weight: 1 Kilogram.

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